The subconscious scars of birth trauma.

birth trauma healing trauma obstetricviolence post natal anxiety traumatherapy Nov 19, 2023
Distressed new mother after birth

Obstetric violence perpetrated by any healthcare practitioner during pregnancy and birth can leave lasting negative unconscious core beliefs about themselves and healthcare professionals. Early identification and trauma therapy can save years of unnecessary disharmony and negative impacts.


1. Mental Effects:

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Some individuals may develop PTSD after experiencing a traumatic childbirth. Symptoms can include intrusive memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety.

Anxiety and Depression: Birth trauma can contribute to heightened levels of anxiety and depression. The stress of a traumatic birth experience can impact a person's overall mental well-being.

Intrusive Thoughts: Intrusive thoughts related to the traumatic event may occur, making it difficult for individuals to concentrate or focus on daily tasks.

2. Physical Effects:

Pain and Discomfort: Physical injuries or complications during childbirth may lead to persistent pain and discomfort. This can affect a person's ability to engage in daily activities and care for their newborn.

Fatigue: Traumatic births can be physically exhausting, leading to prolonged fatigue and difficulty recovering from childbirth.

Health Complications: Some individuals may experience health issues related to the trauma, such as headaches, gastrointestinal problems, or exacerbation of pre-existing health conditions.

3. Emotional Effects:

Feelings of Guilt or Failure: Women who have experienced birth trauma may feel a sense of guilt or failure, especially if the birth did not go as planned or if medical interventions were necessary.

Fear of Future Pregnancies: Birth trauma can lead to a fear of future pregnancies and childbirth, potentially impacting family planning decisions.

Impact on Bonding: The emotional aftermath of birth trauma may affect the bonding between the parent and the newborn, as the traumatic experience can interfere with the development of a positive parent-child relationship.


4. Relationship Effects:

Strain on Relationships: Birth trauma can put a strain on relationships, as both partners may struggle with the emotional aftermath of the experience.

Communication Challenges: Difficulties in communicating about the trauma may arise, making it challenging for individuals to express their feelings and seek support from their partners or loved ones.

It's important to note that the effects of birth trauma can vary widely among individuals. Seeking professional support, such as counselling or therapy, can be beneficial for those experiencing difficulties coping with the aftermath of a traumatic birth.


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