25 plus reasons for having a C-Section Birth

birth trauma c-section education c-section stitches caesarean birth caesarean section Oct 05, 2022

Did you know there are over twenty-five reasons why pregnancy can end in caesarean birth?

The reasons can be classified into three categories, maternal, baby and emergency. By far the majority of reasons will mean this is the only way the baby can be born.

Maternal Reasons -Previous C-sections, Placenta Praevia, Maternal Choice, Medical conditions, Placental abruption, Previous birth trauma, HIV, Herpes, Blood disorders.

Baby Reasons-Baby lying sideways, Breech with feet first, Twin pregnancy with breech first, Multiple pregnancies, Some congenital abnormalities, Prematurity or Large baby.

Emergency Reasons -Antenatal haemorrhage, Uterine rupture, Pre-eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, Obstructed, Fetal (baby) Distress in Labour, Baby at risk.

Many caesarean births are planned or classified as elective while a percentage are classified as emergencies depending on the indication.

If you had a surgical birth what was the reason?

Was it an elective or emergency caesarean?

Were you prepared for the possibility of a C-section in your antenatal classes?

I had my first C-section after a failed induction and a pelvic X-ray diagnosed what is known as CPD or cephalopelvic disproportion, meaning the pelvic bone structure was deemed too small to permit the passage of the baby. I was all prepared for a vaginal birth so the change of plans came as quite a shock. Partners were not allowed in the operating theatre at my hospital so it was quite stressful being alone during the surgery that was actually complicated by a haemorrhage and bladder laceration. It took me some time to regain my strength and feel myself again after my first birth. In hindsight, I feel pretty sure I was shell-shocked for some time.

How did you feel if you too had a surgical birth?

During my forty years of clinical practice as a midwife, I always felt great empathy with mothers who had experienced a caesarean birth. In recent years I have dedicated my practice to working with women helping enhance healing through knowledge and resources and advocating for better education and support.

To all who say "C-section birth is taking the easy way out", I say "where’s the evidence"?

What do you wish you knew before caesarean birth that you know now?

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