How to protect the C-section Scar from breakdown.

c-section education c-section recovery c-section scar caesarean scar healing post c-section wound breakdown wound infection Apr 04, 2021


Surgical wound complications are real, and you can help prevent them.

The incidence of wound breakdown after caesarean birth is significant and women should have knowledge and understanding to help reduce their risks.

This important information should be shared by health care professionals for all women after caesarean birth.

A poll of 512 mothers of caesarean born children was conducted to discover how many had actually received such wound care education. The results of the mother’s poll revealed that 93% had not received any education about wound support and the rationale behind it. The poll identified that only 8% of the women had been given education regarding protecting their wounds during any sudden movement after the surgery. 

A second poll of 256 practising midwives was conducted. The midwives were asked to indicate whether or not they actively advised women to support their wounds with a cushion or rolled up towel after surgery or education prior to their discharge home. The results of the poll showed that 91% of midwives did not routinely educate women about the methods and importance of wound support.

The findings of the two polls highlight the lack of education currently offered to women after caesarean birth.

The incidence of wound breakdown after c-section is reported by the World Union of Wound Healing Specialist 2018, Consensus document, to be 1.9%–7.6%.

One of the three main causes of wound breakdown is mechanical stress on the layers of the wound during sudden movements such as coughing, sneezing or laughing. Mechanical stress is caused by raised intra-abdominal pressure occurring during such movements and can cause separation of the stitches.

Consistent, sustainable and comprehensive education after caesarean birth is vital to good recovery. An innovative visual tool the Five Guide was developed by UK Nurse & Midwife Janine McKnight-Cowan to improve women’s knowledge and understanding of the five-layer healing process. These layers are 1. Skin> 2. Fat> 3, Muscle> 4. Peritoneum > 5. Womb. see Five Guide – Caesarean section

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