10 Practical gifts for C-Section Mums.

c-section recovery gift ideas new mums May 28, 2021
gift ideas for C-section Mums

Do you have a loved one, friend, sister or daughter who's just had a C-section?

After my first emergency C-section, I received a lot of hand-creams as gifts. It’s the thought that counts right…? Maybe my hands looked extremely dry.

Although the sentiment was lovely, it wasn’t the most practical gift I could have received.

Here’s a little list of some gift ideas for a post C-Section Mum. The things she’d REALLY love, but she’s too polite to ever ask for.


#1 Meal Service

Sore scar, exhausted body, endless feeding…. The last thing you want to do as a new Mum, whether or not you’ve had major surgery, is cook a delicious, nutritious meal.

Hopefully, you’ve got a partner who helps with these things, but if they’re tired or back at work, you’re looking down the barrel of a lot of toast and chocolate. Not ideal healing foods.

Post C-section, your body wants and needs healthy, nourishing meals. You need all the nutrients you can get to help with the vigorous demands of feeding, and healing, making the idea of a meal delivery service so darn appealing.

A pre-packaged meal service, ready to go, landing on your doorstep sounds like a gift from the heavens.


#2 Laundry Service

Babies sure like to poo. In the early days, aside from occasionally opening their eyes, and having a little cry here or there, pooing would be in their ‘Top 3 most regular and favourite activities’.

Some babies also like to chuck up, a bit of milky vomit that turns up in the strangest of places, here, there and everywhere.

Laundry is no fun at the best of times, but in the early days post-C-section, moving heavy laundry in and out of the machine, onto the clothesline… no thanks.

No wonder the dirty washing piles up around you in a gigantic mass of soiled baby clothes.

Imagine, handballing all that washing to a laundry service… what a present that would be!


#3 Time for a nap

Ohhh the blessed, blessed gift of alone time. Is there a more precious and rare gift?

Time. Time to lie in bed, and watch Netflix, or sleep. Time to have a proper shower, and wash your hair with something other than dry shampoo, all while knowing your little one is in safe hands. What a glorious gift.

Being offered a moment to yourself is the most wondrous gift, and it has a very attractive price tag.


#4 Underwear that doesn’t mess up your scar

Completely unprepared, post-surgery I sent my partner out to get something, anything, that didn’t aggravate my scar and make it feel gross. Size 47 billion, extra-extra-large underwear thanks. Or ones that have that V dip, so the bikini line area was left well alone. Just as long as they are cotton and soft.

There are not many other times in life when gigantic cotton granny pants will be so gratefully received and not an insulting gift.


#5 Little luxuries

A nice hamper including those goodies like blue cheese that were contraband during pregnancy. A block of nice chocolate, a nice new dressing gown, cosy socks, some magazines or a new drink bottle.

Little things that might make you feel a bit nicer.

Check out our C-section Recovery Care Package also.


#6 Boring yet practical gifts from Chemist Warehouse.

Panadol. Maternity Pads. Stool softener. Nursing pads.

Hey, no one said it was going to be glamorous. But these are things you will ACTUALLY use, and someone grabbing these for you saves you the trip.


#7 The gift of a cleaner / house angel.

In the early weeks, you are pretty limited in what you can do. Driving is out of bounds. As is lifting anything that’s too heavy.

Have someone come over to sweep / mop/vacuum / clean the toilet. Brings tears to your eyes. What a difference that would make.


#8 An I.O.U for an amazing night out. One day.

When you’re in the thick of it, it’s hard to remember that you will go back to normal.

Your scar will heal. You are the brand-new mum to a beautiful, special little person, which is incredible.

But you’re also a regular human being, and one day, you’ll be able to do all the things you can’t right now, like exercise, work, and have a social life.


#9 No visitors.

Okay  this one is personal preference, but not everyone wants visitors in those early days.

Walking from the couch to the toilet is a massive effort, and the idea of guests coming over to your house, which looks like a bomb hit it, makes you feel even worse, if possible, the polite thing to do is check if they want visitors.

And if it is okay, make sure to bring afternoon tea or takeaway coffee.


#10 if in doubt. Hand-cream.

Or face cream. Or fancy shampoo.

 A lightweight backpack to carry supplies like snacks, water bottles, nappies, breast know, all those little things you think of just after you sit down to feed.

What was your favourite, most practical and helpful gift you received after your C-Section? Let us know in the comments below.

Get your summary copy of our  suggestions and don't forget to check our shop for our Caesarcare custom-made 'C-section Recovery Care Package',


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