In addition to my incredible family, there is nothing that excites me more in life than working with individuals on their journey to recovery after a caesarean birth. The opportunity to share my knowledge and wisdom to enhance their healing and rehabilitation from what is considered a major surgery fills me with boundless enthusiasm.

Driven by my passion for aiding individuals post-surgical birth, I embarked on a remarkable endeavor - designing a surgical wound splint. Furthermore, I recently had the privilege of co-authoring the C-section Recovery Manual, a collaborative effort between two exceptional midwives from the UK and Australia. This international collaboration is a testament to our shared dedication to improving the recovery experience for women worldwide.




Here's my incredible journey: I am a passionate nurse, midwife, author, educator, wife,grandmother and proud mother of six amazing adult children, all born through C-section deliveries.

I hail from the beautiful land of Kurnai country in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, and have been fortunate to settle down in the sunny paradise of Queensland.

After completing my secondary education, I pursued my nursing studies at St Vincent's Hospital in Melbourne, followed by a midwifery course at Dandenong Hospital, now known as Monash Health.




During my nursing training, I imbibed the invaluable lesson of treating everyone with utmost respect, particularly those who are less fortunate and vulnerable.

"I couldn't believe how much I loved every moment of my nursing course, and it was such a joy to be rewarded for doing something I was so passionate about."

In my early twenties, I married my loving husband, and together we welcomed six beautiful children into our lives through C-section births over the course of 15 years. While raising my family, I dedicated four decades to my career as a midwife, providing care and support to countless women who underwent caesarean deliveries.

My personal experiences during childbirth, including the challenges and traumas resulting from failed anesthesia, have fueled my empathy and deepened my understanding of the journey to recovery after a C-section. Recognizing the lack of sufficient postnatal education and support for women in similar situations, I resolved to make a difference.

Thus, 'Caesarcare' was born—an online service-based business committed to providing comprehensive childbirth education and empowering women to navigate the postpartum period with confidence.

In today's fast-paced world, especially with the added complexities brought by COVID, I understand that attending antenatal classes and accessing essential information for a smooth recovery isn't always feasible for women. That's where Caesarcare comes in.

There are numerous factors to consider when it comes to comfort, healing, and prevention of complications following major surgery, and I believe it is crucial for women to understand these aspects.

One day, while assisting a new mother and preparing a makeshift wound splint from a rolled-up towel, her partner, who had been observing me, inquired, "Isn't there a specialized device available in this day and age?"

That moment sparked a revelation within me...

After months of fruitless searching for a suitable wound splint device, I took matters into my own hands and designed one myself. Through extensive research and development, the SAC splint was brought into existence. SAC stands for Surgical After Care, and this splint has received authorization as a class 1 medical device from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (ATGA). In fact, it was even shortlisted in the Innovation category for Nurse/Midwife of the Year during the 2019 Australian Healthcare Week.

My mission is driven by empathy, compassion, love, and respect for women who undergo caesarean births. I am deeply passionate about empowering them to achieve optimal outcomes through knowledge, skill, and dedicated resources. Caesarcare offers a range of free and paid content to equip women with the latest evidence-based strategies.

"I am a 'Midwife on a Mission,' determined to educate and empower women and their loved ones for life after Caesarean birth."

I firmly believe that every woman deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, receiving accurate, research-based information about the risks, benefits, and recovery process associated with their surgery.

"My commitment is to share the best of my knowledge, backed by extensive research, while ensuring it remains accurate and honest."

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for visiting. I am thrilled to connect with you, and I genuinely hope this marks the beginning of a mutually enriching and beneficial relationship.

With warmest regards,

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Caesarcare has been amazing in so many ways. The bag of goodies gave me a lot of information and products I didn’t even know I needed. The splint provided great support for my wound following my emergency caesarean surgery and I still use it one week later. Leonie has also been very supportive in answering any questions I have had. I would recommend Caesarcare to anyone who is thinking about or is having a caesarean "

Sarah Cornell



This was such a helpful resource for my daughter anticipating her caesarian birth. She found the tips for planning for hospital and returning home so helpful. It was such an asset in approaching surgery as it was important information given in a calming and supportive way. It helped her understand what to expect and helped her to formulate questions for her doctor. She also used the splint during her recovery and found it very helpful at a time when she was having to hold her baby for long periods. This is an excellent resource for anyone anticipating a caesarian and is highly recommended.

- Margaret