
C-section Recovery Manual

Your Body

Your Recovery.

A comprehensive 3 part manual  providing the ideal companion guide through the recovery period.

Part one-12 chapters of information and case studies.

Part Two - Journal pages

Part Three- Daily Planners


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All about C-section Birth & Recovery


A 28 page eBook featuring an overview of

  • Surgical birth
  • Preparation for birth.
  • Recovery principles.
  • Outlining common challenges and remedies.
  • Best practices in self-care.

 $9.50 AUD

Get your copy here

The ebook & SAC Splint Bundle

What you'll get:

  • Downloadable PDF ebook.
  • SAC splint & instructions. 
  • Wound care tips.

The ebook is written by midwife & C-section mamma Leonie Rastas and offers valuable tips for signs to look for and when to consult your healthcare practitioner.


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Surgical Recovery Care Packages

Surgical after Care (SAC) splint

Order your splint now for added comfort and peace of mind after your surgery

What you'll get:

  • a handcrafted splint
  • detailed instructions for use
  • wound care instructions


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C-section Birth Plan

There are many decisions to make about your Caesarean birth and to help you ponder your choices we have created a birth plan template. It may be helpful to discuss these with your partner and doctor prior to your surgery.

Register for a free copy

Recognising Birth Trauma

Childbirth is a positive experience for many women however, for some women it can be a mixture of joy and anguish leaving lingering negative memories that can impact physical and psychological wellbeing.

It is vital to be able to recognise the effects of birth trauma and seek support.

Get your free guide from the link below.

Register for a free copy


Why do we offer eCourses and how-to guides?

  • I know, first-hand, how leaving a hospital with a new baby and a new scar can be quite overwhelming. 
  • I'm a nurse & midwife with decades of experience, both in being with birthing women and  my own C-Section births and I'd love to share my knowledge with you.
  • My six babies were born in four different hospitals across two states in Australia. None of the birthing centres offered caesarean birth classes and the discharge advicefor the recovery journey was minimal.  I personally don't feel proud of the recovery preparation I was able to offer to women in my care. Two main reasons for this were often the fog caused by the pain medications and the short stays in hospital that limied the teachable moments.
  • With this in mind, I have created eCourses and resources to help you, the birth  mother to feel proud, strong and confident during your post-partum healing journey,
  • All my courses are easy reads engaging, and designed to help you when you need them most. You can scroll through the modules during feeds, and baby's naps, and equip yourself for the journey to full recovery.



The bag of goodies gave me a lot of information and products I didn’t even know I needed. The splint provided great support for my wound following my emergency caesarean surgery and I still use it one week later.The eBook from Caesarcare was really helpful after I had my twins by C-section. The chapter on post-op recovery gave me some great tips for managing my pain and supporting my stitches. It was good to read about the early weeks at home also. Leonie has also been very supportive in answering any questions I have had. I would recommend Caesarcare to anyone who is thinking about or is having a caesarean.


This was such a helpful resource for my daughter anticipating her caesarian birth. She found the tips for planning for hospital and returning home so helpful. It was such an asset in approaching surgery as it was important information given in a calming and supportive way. It helped her understand what to expect and helped her to formulate questions for her doctor. She also used the splint during her recovery and found it very helpful at a time when she was having to hold her baby for long periods. This is an excellent resource for anyone anticipating a caesarian and is highly recommended.


I love how practicable, uncomplicated and innovative Leonie’s eBook is. Whilst I found the whole content very helpful, I found the “scheduled day of birth” section the most useful as she informed me of a lot of the things that I was “wondering about” ahead of the big day, and I hadn’t been able to source such info anywhere else. Leonie’s knowledge and experience gained over decades of work in the maternity wards and academia shines through at every juncture. Highly recommend!